26 Mar MEMBER ALERT: Retailers Receiving Subpoenas Related to Paraquat
Kansas Grain and Feed Association (KGFA) has been made aware of ag retailers in Kansas, and in other states, that have received subpoenas related to multi-district federal litigation filed by plaintiffs (Paraquat Products Liability Litigation).
As we understand, these subpoenas generally request information on paraquat use, purchases, and certification of the restricted use pesticide.
The primary case has been filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. The Court set a date for information requests to be issued by March 11, 2024.
While KGFA is not able to provide legal advice on how to respond to the subpoenas, we would urge any member that has been served with such a subpoena to immediately contact independent legal counsel for advice specific to your facts and circumstances for guidance on how to appropriately respond.
It should be noted that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) has not found any connection between the use of paraquat and Parkinson’s disease, which is the primary claim in these lawsuits.